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Information portal: practical tips
Integration cannot succeed without the help of volunteers and welfare institutions. All those people who want to learn more and want to contribute or get involved will find important information here.
An initial overview (asylum and integration)
- You will find figures and background information on the subject of asylum in Germany here: Link to the Federal Agency for Civic Education website
- Information, background information, points of contact – the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) provides guidance on those questions dealing with the subject of asylum: Link to the BAMF website
- You will find information on political issues relating to refugees and also a newsletter here: Link to the Federal Government website
- The most important questions and answers on the subject of “Asylum in Germany”: Asylum policy: link to the Bavarian State Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs website
- The Bavarian State Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Family and Integration provides background information on the policy areas dealing with immigration, integration and social welfare for asylum seekers and displaced persons. Subject of integration: link to the Bavarian State Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs website
- The federal programme “Live Democracy!”, run by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, supports initiatives and associations that promote a diverse, peaceful and democratic coexistence – e.g. with seminars on the subject of “refugeeism & asylum” in schools: Link to information on the federal programme “Live Democracy!”
- This website highlights initiatives that promote integration, tells stories about how integration in Germany can succeed and provides information on the current integration policy: Link to the “Deutschland kann das” (Germany can do it) programme run by the federal government
- This website provides up-to-date information to those volunteers helping refugees: Link to the “Asylinformation” (Asylum information) website
- This link takes you to the portal for working and volunteer groups in Bavaria: Link to the “Asylhelfer Bayern” (Asylum Volunteers Bavaria) portal
- The latest news, tips and information are provided for refugees and local people in six different languages: More information: link to the “Deutsche Welle” website
- After the welcome, you really arrive. This website tells the stories and experiences of asylum seekers in Germany and Munich: Link to the “Arriving in Munich” website
- The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) in Germany fights against poverty and social exclusion: Click here for more information on the FEAD
- “Bureaucrazy” is an app designed to simplify bureaucratic processes – with translated forms and step-by-step instructions. Developed for refugees by refugees, the app is due to be launched in 2017. Click here for information on the app: click here for a portrait of the online magazine t3n
- “Words of Welcome” – this initiative aims to simplify the process of integration for refugees. Adhesive tape and a specially developed phonetic alphabet are used to print out words such as shower gel, baby milk or plasters, which are then stuck to the packaging of the most important donated products: Link to the “Words of Welcome” website
- The “Tür an Tür e. V.” (Door to Door) association is engaged in various integration projects to provide immigrants with more opportunities and rights: Link to the “Tür an Tür” website
- Multi-generation houses promote cohesion and strengthen integration: Information and contacts: link to the Bavarian State Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs website
- People of all ages can volunteer to help in multi-generation houses. Click here to find houses in your local area
Volunteering: what do I need to know?
- Volunteering is worthwhile: the Bavarian Volunteer Card offers lots of discounts at cultural and leisure facilities, municipal facilities such as swimming baths, and in shops or the catering sector, for example: Click here for more information on the volunteer card
- EhrKoordR (Ehrenamtskoordinatorenrichtlinie) is the regulation for promoting full-time coordination jobs for volunteers working with asylum seekers: Click here for more information on the regulation
- The Volunteer Certificate (Ehrenamtsnachweis) is used to say thank you to those people who volunteer on an ongoing basis. They receive a certificate that documents the time invested, as well as the activities and associated expertise and skills: You can find more information on the Volunteer Certificate here
- ArrivalAid accompanies refugees through the asylum process: it is an initiative for educating and training volunteers who prepare refugees for their interview with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF): Link to the “ArrivalAid” website
- This information sheet explains to volunteers what they need to take into account when it comes to any risks of infection working with asylum seekers. Information is provided about illnesses, preventative measures and insurance protection, as well as other links: Risk of infection: link to the information sheet (PDF)
- Other health recommendations when working with asylum seekers and refugees is provided by the Bavarian State Ministry for Health Care: Working with refugees: link to the recommendations (PDF)
- The lagfa bayern e. V. (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freiwilligenagenturen, Freiwilligenzentren, Koordinierungszentren Bürgerschaftlichen Engagements Bayern e. V.) is actively involved in promoting volunteering with its 105 member organisations, volunteer agencies, volunteer centres and coordination centres for civic engagement in Bavaria:
- The Media Library for Asylum and Integration (Mediathek für Asyl und Integration) provides helpful materials for German lessons and tips for classes suitable for adults. Link to the “Mediathek für Asyl und Integration”
- What happens if volunteers suffer physical injuries during their work? What about accident insurance? The subject of insurance is an important issue:
- The initiative YOU ARE HERE comprises volunteers, local creative artists and asylum seekers and has developed a multilingual cultural guide for refugees in Nuremberg: Link to the YOU ARE HERE initiative
Opportunities for you to get personally involved
- This link takes you to the portal for working and volunteer groups in Bavaria: Link to the “Asylhelfer Bayern” (Asylum Volunteers Bavaria) portal
- This brochure describes the role of education officers and presents their volunteer work – with lots of tips and addresses for people that want to get involved: Link to the brochure “Bildungsbeauftragte – eine starke Verbindung!” (Education Officers – a Strong Connection) (PDF)
- Caritas shows how you can help refugees and provides tips, examples and information on projects in your local area: Search for projects: link to the Caritas website
- How can I help? You will find an overview of ideas, initiatives and contact people from various federal states here: News to read: link to the ARD website
- “Menschen stärken Menschen” (People Empower People) – this flyer shows how integration can succeed: what can you do personally? What requirements are important for volunteer work? Link to the “Menschen stärken Menschen” flyer (PDF)
- The free guidance hotline offered by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs is a point of contact for those who want to volunteer and helps them to find the right project or opportunity to get involved: Information on the guidance hotline: link to the federal programme “Menschen stärken Menschen”
- “” (I help now) connects volunteer organisations with those people who want to volunteer. This ensures that volunteers can offer their time and donations in kind where they are needed: Link to the “” portal
- Youth work with young refugees is highly diverse and carried out across Bavaria. Young refugees are now actively involved in associations or organise themselves. The main goal of the “Flüchtlinge werden Freunde” (Making friends with refugees) programme run by the Bavarian Youth Council is to promote social participation and integration by young refugees by bundling together a wide variety of activities and measures within youth work for and with young refugees. All about the “Flüchtlinge werden Freunde” programme
- The German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS) and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) want to use the “Willkommen bei Freunden” (Welcome Friends) app to bring together volunteers and projects/aid organisations working with refugees across Germany in a needs-based manner via a mobile application for smartphones. All about the federal programme “Willkommen bei Freunden”
- Here is a map giving an overview of where volunteers are required: Link to the “Willkommen bei Freunden” map
- Whether it is financial aid, psychological support or a donation in kind – volunteers can offer their help by posting here: Become a volunteer or receive help yourself: link to the “Rainbow Refugees” website
- The Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance lists initiatives across Germany that work on a voluntary basis. You will find some brief information and contact details here: Link to the initiatives and projects
- Start with a Friend was founded as a voluntary initiative in 2014. The aim was to support refugees when they arrived and to enable personal encounters. The non-profit association is now active at over 25 locations nationwide and creates personal encounters between people with and without refugee and/or immigration experience - in 1:1 tandems and communities. Qualified commitment and spaces for education, participation and empowerment are supported.
General information on the subjects of employment and housing
- You can contact the Federal Employment Agency if you have questions about employment and work permits: Link to the Federal Employment Agency website
- Information on welfare benefits for those fit for work is available here: All information offered by the Federal Employment Agency
- A job exchange especially for refugees. For applicants and employees: Link to the “workeer” job exchange
- Are you an employer and want to employ people from abroad? You can find information about work permits here: Link to the migrant check service offered by the Federal Employment Agency
- Effective job placement service: the Arrive Institute uses a competency check to assess the skills offered by refugees, provides them with tips for job interviews and brings together refugees and companies: Link to the “Arrive Institute” website
- What should I keep in mind when looking for an apartment and moving? How does a rental contract work? Click here for more information: All about the subject of housing: link to the BAMF website
- Are you a landlord? Does your tenant want to host a refugee in their home? Is the city asking you to provide housing for refugees? You will find information on this subject here: Apartments for refugees: link to information for landlords
- The Bavarian cabinet passed a package of measures called the “housing package for Bavaria” that is designed to provide more affordable housing and improve the supply of housing in Bavaria: All about the “housing package for Bavaria”
- In order to support the use of empty buildings in Bavarian municipalities as housing for recognised refugees, the Supreme Building Authority at the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport has issued the flyer “Leerstand nutzen – Lebensraum schaffen” (Utilise Vacant Buildings – Create Housing): Link to the flyer “Leerstand nutzen – Lebensraum schaffen” (PDF)
- Various brochures and specialist information on urban development funding are available here: Information on the subject of “building and housing” from the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior
- The Bavarian Legal and Administrative Report (BayRVR) on the subject of “housing for recognised refugees”: Link to the report “housing for recognised refugees” (Wohnraum für anerkannte Flüchtlinge)
- This online directory provides an overview of the various opportunities for homeless people and those people at risk of becoming homeless in Bavaria: Link to the online directory Homeless Assistance Alliance in Northern and Southern Bavaria (Koordination Wohnungslosenhilfe Nord- und Südbayern)
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